Профессор Сухарев Олег Сергеевич


“Distributed” Management of the “Knowledge Economy”: “Income –Risk” — PaKSoM 2024 6 th Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation. Serbia: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 2024 — P. 201 -208

Development of Russia’s industry: Some regularities and prospects. Journal of New Economy, 2024 -ь vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 6–25.

The Knowledge Economy and Technology Bubble in the IT Sector. Proceedings of 5 th Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation Serbia, Niš, October 23-24, 2023 – P. 105-110

Problems Of Quantitative Measurement Technological Level of the Economy. Serbia. PaKSoM 2022 Distribution of Economic Policy Instruments in the Russian Economy. 15th International Conference Management of large-scale system development (MLSD)

The Principle of ‘Distributed Management — IEEE Xplore:  16th International Conference Management of large-scale system development (MLSD) — 2023 — DOI: 10.1109/MLSD58227.2023.10304043

Sustainable development under sanctions: managing the Russian economy. Bulletin of the South Russian State Technical UniversitySeries: Socio-economic Sciences. 2023; 16(5): 173–182. ( with Voronchikhina E. N.)

Distribution of Economic Policy Instruments in the Russian Economy. 15th International Conference Management of large-scale system development (MLSD)

Development of countries under sanctions: Iran and Russia. R-economy, 2022 - 8(3), 219–236. (with Voronchikhina E.N)

Financial wealth in macroeconomic dynamics. Finance: Theory and Practice. 2022- vol. 26(2) — P.118-135 (with Voronchikhina E.N.)

Intellectual Firm: Key Features and Development Models. J Knowl Econ (2022). (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-022-00941-y)

Modern characteristics of knowledge firms. 3-rd Virtual International Conference PaKSoM21. — November 15-16, Complex systerm research Center. Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts  — 2021 — Р. 139-145

Technological innovations and the effect of ‘dualism’. SHS Web Conf. 10th Annual International Conference “Schumpeterian Readings” (ICSR 2021) — Volume116, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/202111600007 

Comparative structural analysis of economic growth in countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. R-economy, 2021; 7(4), 244–265. (with Voronchikhina E.N.)

Dynamics of Innovators and Conservatives in Economic Development of European Union and Russia. Вестник ЮРГТУ (НПИ). 2021. № 3 – С.202-224 (with coauthor Voronchihina E.N.)

Industrial Production in Russia: Research Methods and Development Tasks. Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История». – 2021

Investment Function of Economic Growth in Russia. Finance: Theory and Practice. 2021;25(1):35-50

Technological models of development: modes, tajectories and structure. Международные научные исследования, 2020 — №1-2 — С. 35-42

Technological Development in the Knowledge Economy. Moscow, Russia. PaKSoM 2020

Measuring the Contribution of the “Knowledge Economy” to the Economic Growth Rate: Comparative Analysis. J Knowl Econ (2020). 

Structural dynamics of the economy: impact of investment in old and new technologies. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2020, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 74–90. (with coauthor Voronchikhina E.N. )

Portfolio Theory in Solving the Problem Structural Choice. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2020, 13(9), 195

Optimization and resource distribution management in a national economy: The choice of  structure. Perm  University Herald.  Economy,  2020,  vol.15,  no.2,  pp.178–197

Investments in the Transaction Sector and Financial Assets: Impact on Economic Growth. Finance: Theory and Practice. 2020;24(3):60-80

Financial and non-financial investments: comparative econometric analysis of the impact on economic dynamics. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2020, 4(3): 382-411 (Sukharev O.S, Voronchikhina E.N.)

Economic crisis as a consequence COVID-19 virus attack: risk and damage assessment. Quantitative Finance and Economics. 2020, 4(2): 274-293.

Structural analysis of income and risk dynamics in models of economic growth. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2020, 4(1): 1-18

Structural Analysis of Economic Growth in China: International Comparison Context. Vol. 35 No. 4 (2019): St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies — PP. 543-568 (Sukharev O.S. Voronchikhina E.N.)

Functions and modes of information development of economy: methods and models. Perm University Herald. Vol. 14. No 2.

Economic policy of growth: selection of institutes and technological models of development (Oleg Sukharev, Vladimir Chaplygin).

The restructuring of the investment portfolio: the risk and effect of the emergence of new combinations. Quantitative Finance and Economics, no. 3(2), 2019, pp. 390-411. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2019.2.390.

Macroeconomic Development of China and Russia: Dynamics, Structure and Perspectives of Trade (in Chinese), 2019.

Public Administration: Institutions, Resource Transfer, Jobs. Upravlenets – The Manager, 2018, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 11–25.

Conceptual approaches to the formation and realization of russian economic strategy: current and long-term challenges. Perm university herald - Economy - 2018 - vol13, №3 - pp. 339-356.

Dysfunction of the institutions and systems. Journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship - 2018 - vol 12 - N9 - pp.54-64.

Model of Economic Growth with Information Asymmetry and Inequality. Проблемы рыночной экономики. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 57-68.

Problems of the policy of economic growth in Russia - the movement towards a new economic model (in Chinese).

The economic policy of import substitution in Russia: The main content and conductivity of conductors (in Chinese).

Structural Features of Industrial Growth Policy. Perm University Herald , Economy. 2018 - Vol. 13. No. 1.

Structural Modelling of Economic Growth: Technological changes. Megatrend Review. 2016, vol. 13, N 1.

Institutional Theory of Economic Reforms: Basic Imperatives. Ecoforum. 2015, Vol. 4, Issue 2(7).

Institutional Economic Theory of Assets Privatization and Nationalization: Basic Imperatives. Megatrend Review. 2015, Vol. 12, N 1.

Ecological and Social Efficiency: Functions of Agents' Behaviour. Economic Review / Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Bratislava. 2014, Vol. 43, N 4.

Structural analysis of the property: optimum principle. Megatrend Revija. 2014, Vol. 11, N 4.

Principles of Asset Management in Public and Private Sectors. Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Propertu / Paper for 29th International Scientific and Practical Conference in November 2014, Varna. - Издателство "Наука и икономика", Икономически университет - Варна, 2014 - PP.95-99.

Maximum Efficiency and Exchange: A New Interpretation in Economic Theory. The Proceedings of 3rd International e-Conference on Optimization, Education and Data Mining in Science, Engineering and Risk Management 2013/2014 (OEDM SERM 2013/2014).

New Combinations in the Economy and Correction Principle of  "Creative Destruction". Megatrend Revija, 2014, Vol. 11, №2. 


Economic Growth, Welfare and Institutional Changes: Game and Aggregate Model. Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2014, N 2(5).

Competition as a Model Economic Behavior: Theoretical Aspect. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, vol 3.(1), 2014 - pp.47-51.

Social Network Analysis. Advances in Economics and Business, 2014 - Vol. 2, pp. 121 - 126. (in co-authorship with Kurmanov N.V.).

Massima efficienza e scambio: una nuova interpretazione della teoria economica. Italian Science Review, 2014 - 1, PP. 8-14.

The Model of Economic Growth and the Principle of Combinatorial Augmentation. Economics World, 2013 Vol. 1, No. 1, 39-58.

Ecological and social efficiency: problem of the relationship. Journal of International Scientific Researches, 2013, vol 5., №4 - pp.24-28.

Modelling and Decision-Making Methods in Internet Marketing: Advertising Budget Efficiency and Advertising Quality. Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management 1(3): 71-82, 2013. (in co-authorship with Kurmanov N.V.)

Surplus, maximum efficiency and exchange: a new interpretation in economic theory. Journal of economy and entrepreneurship, 2013, vol.7, №8 - p.20-23.

Technical equipment, technological changes and institutions.  Journal of economy and entrepreneurship, 2013, vol. 7., №5.

Trajectories of institutional changes, transaction costs and time. Journal of economy and entrepreneurship, vol. 7, №2 (31), 2013.

Marketing Analysis Model of Social Network. European Applied Sciences, 2013. (in co-authorship with Kurmanov N.V.).

Sukharev O.S. Methodology of investments management into the real estate objects. Proceedings of the 27th scientific conference with international participation «Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property» - University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, 2012 – pp.295-300.

Sukharev O.S. The Theorem of Optimum Structure of Economic Sector Development (On the example of engineering industry) // Proceedings of the 27th scientific conference with international participation «Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property» - University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, 2012 – pp.301-310.

Institutes of Socia Development and their Efficiency Estimation. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2012, Vol. 8, N 2.
Click to Presentation of the paper.

Elementary Mathematical Conditions of Crises and Growth Alternation and New Combinations Emergence. International scientific researches. Vol. 4 Nom. 3-4, 2012.

Structural institutsional changes, efficiency and economic development. (The report of the prize-winner of N.D.Kondratev silver medal of 2012). International scientific researches. Vol. 4 Nom. 3-4, 2012.

The Neoinstitutional Contracts Theory: New Perspectives. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2012, Vol. 8, N 1.

Elementary model of Institutional Change and Economic Welfare. Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2011, Vol. 7, N 2.

Monetary Rule of Innovative Economy. International Scientific Researches, 2011, N 1-2 (in co-authorship with Kurjanov A.M.).

Sukharev O.S. Macroeconomic theory outlook and world financial crisis // International scientific researches, 2012, № 1-2 vol. 4, pp.62-72.

Priorities of Modernization Policy. Problems of Economic Transition. 2011, Vol. 53 (10).

The Theory of Economy Efficiency. Organizational, Institutional and Systems View of the Problem. International scientific researches, 2010, N 3-4

To the Institutional Theory of Economic Growth: Problem of Macrodisfunction and Monetary Range. International scientific researches, 2010, N 3-4

Sectoral Shifts in Russia and Financial and Technical Systems of Economy Development: Analysis of the Evolutionary Theory. International scientific researches, 2010, N 1-2.

Management of Economy. Introduction to the Theory of Crises and Growth. Montenegrin journal of economics vol. 8, №1.

To The New Model of Economic Growth: Neoschumpeterian Evolution Economy. International scientific researches, 2010, N 1-2
